Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Where to start? I have been accumulating ideas and thoughts on what to write about for quite some time. It has been awhile since the last blog and I have felt somewhat guilty for not getting something done. However, things have intervened such as vacation, golf, spraining my ankle playing tennis, taking up swimming, family etc.

So, with that said, some things are weighing on my mind and it is time to get them off my mind and onto yours! This will be somewhat of a collage of thoughts and pronouncements.

First of all, if you follow football (and even if you don’t) how could you miss the announcement that the Senate is going to “look into the BCS”? BCS of course stands for the Bowl Championship Series. The recent process is going to be led by Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, a Republican no less! They think that the Senate needs to intervene in the sports worlds domain to ensure fairness in the selection of a national champion of football. Well, Democrats take notice! Who is talking socialism now? The Republicans want to spread the wealth (more on this later) for the common good.

This sounds a whole lot like communism and way past socialism. Why do we need government intervention in this process? Yes, it is flawed. Yes, it might not anoint the absolute best team. But, it does create a lot of enthusiasm in the country and a lot of discussion on something like college athletics. Isn’t this good that such discussions can overarch race, politics (up to now), and take our mind off more serious matters. Yes, we can actually have fun with this as a nation!

Furthermore, doesn’t the Senate have better things to do with their time? Like discussing Governor Mark Sanford’s situation? Like figuring out how to get out of the auto and investment banking business?

Next up and this shouldn’t take long: did you see the headline about the CIA being told not to pursue the assassination of Al Qaeda “executives? What? Are you kidding me? Isn’t this what we are spending billions on in Afghanistan and Iraq? I thought we had a price on Bin Laden’s head as well as his minions?

Now we are saying that the secret mission of the CIA that was targeted to trying to take them out by assassination or other inside techniques should not be continued. Why not? Again, isn’t that what we are trying to do in Iraq and Afghanistan? Isn’t the CIA our spy and intelligence agency? Isn’t that what they are supposed to be doing?

I am so confused. Someone please straighten me out on this one! Please!