Thursday, October 15, 2009


Okay, was this really a joke? Barack Obama is the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize? Yes, he really is. It is not a joke.

How can this be? He has been in office since February. What peace accomplishments has he done? What if he had done something in those 8 months? About the only thing that he could have done to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize would be to make peace between the Arabs and the Israelis.

And for sure he is trying but it has not happened.

And really, aren’t these prizes supposed to be for a lifetime of accomplishments? How can this be?

Mother Theresa, Anwar Sadat. Now they were really great examples of Peace Prize recipients. But their accomplishments happened over a number of years; not 8 months!

Now we know that he didn’t ask for this. He was nominated by someone and somehow they decided to give it to him based on the potential of him achieving something. If he had any guts, he would give it back or refuse to accept it. The awards have just been cheapened.

Maybe at some point he will deserve it; but not yet.

What is going to happen next?

1 comment:

Shirley Nasser said...

2 of the 4 October blogs would make one think one might be regretting who they may have voted for!
Painful, isn't it!